Wednesday, May 18, 2011


TO the right you will notice our old blogger page address:
If you would like to click on that website to reminisce, see the old times. the old photos, etc. feel free. I know now that blogger has taken it upon themseves to block me from my own account (sure, they are sending the password to my old non existent address, that was thoughty of them) forevermore.  I have given up, and like the phoenx rise from these ashes of bloggerdom.

The new blog.  Same content, samy tirades and occasional looks at life that in which I find simply "wrong" and I have to share with cyberspace to see if I am indeed wrong.  More importantly, I can't deny the timing if being blogged out.  After 17 years of saying "no, no, no. please no." Jon gets a wild hair up his butt and here we are the land I have said, "no. no. no." to for at least 17 years.  Back to Utah, back to the motherland, the homeship, the other assorted terminologies people have offered to welcome me back across state lines.
It is not only that I now live in Utah, I live in Utah County.  Get out your dictionary: Utah County - see polygamist, polyglit, and a prozac using population rivaling small psych wards.  Not to be worried, it is not a single relgion that has set these wheels turning as so many outsiders may assume, it is the culture that has seductively intertwined itself within such religion making that which is wierd suddenly appear normal. 

It reminds me of the times post marraige when I would occasionally come home to visit in the summer times and my mom and sister would start in on "when are we having the goonies party?!"  The WHAT?  Apparently, there is some goonies movie mom puts up on a sheet over the back patio throuigh the projector and neighborhood kids/family all eat popcorn and watch this movie.  To them,, this even has been occuring since I was in utero.  Considering I am the oldest, and I am fairly certain the strongest drug I ever took throughout childhood was 800mg motrin, than my brain can't be THAT cloudy.  I always get a glare with a "it happens ever year Cort, don't act like you don't remember."  It's a little twilight zone, admittedly, as much as I love my family.Use the analogy as you will, goonies/religion, annual parties/culture.  Goonies in and of itself is a great movie, not hating on the goonies.

More on the house and town next blog ... this could be a daily even and considering I have been locked out a few days I've had alot festering on my mind.

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