Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Boys are idiots ... Nana is frazzled ... Poor, poor, poor Nana

Please count these children ... yes, there are 9 of them.  This photo was taken in the Spring 2010 when my mom and sisters had the grand plan that getting a shot of all 9 grandsons for posterity was necessary.  Uh-huh.  In order from tallest to shortest.  Drew, Riley, Alex, Bradyn, Tyler, Pablo, Noah, Caden, and Emerson.  Since this photo, there has been Bennett (3 months, our newest addition) added to the bunch.  This makes 10 grandsons, and my sister is pregnant with a poor, poor, poor little girl.  All I can say is God be with her. 
Last weekend Jon was in California for the week (again, don't ask, he moves me to Utah and out of the month we have been here he has spent 2 of them in California ... on boondoggles ... going to places like San Francisco, eating at the pier, riding trolley's eating sushi with Japanese clients, and touring the Ghiradelli chocolate factory.  Somewhere in there he claims there are alot of "meetings".  To this I offer a hearty, "my ass."), Kati had a baby shower on Saturday, Uncle Juan volunteered to watch 3 of my kids (Bennett was, of course, strapped to my hip as usual) and there was a family birthday celebration on Saturday as well.  Since Jon was gone, the kids and I opted to take the weekend to go to North Ogden. 

For those of you unfamiliar with the geographics of Utah it goes like this ... my house, Saratoga Springs where people are very righteous, ride around on clouds, and say things like, "holy frigging crap" when they are really bothered.  A few miles south are the polygamist colonies with their polyglits (children) in tow.  Further north, about an hour, is North Ogden, the land of my youth.  In North Ogden people are not quite as righteous (belive me, impossible to be as righteous as Saratoga Springs aka land close to Eagle Mountain, questionably under the radar polygamists, I'm sure of it), they don't ride clouds, rather SUV's and 15 passenger vans, and when they fly into fits of rage I have heard a, "you friggin butthole" uttered. I think there may be a few polygamists in North Ogden, but they must be in hiding because I've never seen one.  In a nutshell, it's a little over an hour from my house to Mom's.

Since there are 2 weeks of school left, I let the kids take Friday off and we headed north Thursday after school.  The kids are always ecstatic to go to Nana's.  Nana on the other hand, never received my text message telling her we were headed up there that night so she was "surprised" to see myself and my heard show up at her door about 8 p.m. Thursday night.  She took it in stride.  Poor Nana.  The kids love my Mom's for lot's of reasons.  In order a) trampoline b) snack cabinet with unlimited snacks c)she makes them hot breakfasts every morning c) she lets them do what they want, including trashing her poor basement with toys, etc. etc. when ALL the cousins come to visit ... all 6 of them ... making the total 9 ... all boys.

Saturday we go to Kati's baby shower and leave poor Uncle Juan with 6 boys ages 13 - 2.  When I came home hours later Juan and the boys were nowhere to be found.  My first thought was someone was in the ER.  Second thought, they locked Juan in the basement and headed out to the neighborhood to seek new adventures.  I made a call.  "Uh, Kati, Juan and the kids aren't here.  There's a sink full of dishes, so I know they ate lunch somewhere in the day, but, uh, not here."  She suggested they were at the park.  Huh, didn't even think about that.  Moments later, I hear a crashing of thundering elephants, a slamming door, giggling, and a very exhausted looking Uncle Juan bringing up the rear end of the 6 boys.  Poor Juan.  They had been at the park.  He was trying to run them ragged ... as if that would work!

Kati and my mom had stopped in Layton to pick up Maranda's three boys (other sister) so Maranda and Jake could ride their bikes to my mom's (why, why, why, but they are rugged little people so off they go).  Ten minutes after the thundering, giggling hyena's arrive in the door they are greeted by three more cousins.  Do the math ... we now have 9 boys ages 2-13 and of course, Bennett the 3 month old.  Bennett is out of the story because he doesn't count ... he's to young to participate.  Mom has a finished basement ... with a couch ... a large sectional ... a television, toys, a WII, and netflix.  In other words, a dream basement for boys.

The day of the baby shower was also the day we were celebrating Kati's birthday (the next day).  By the time Jake and Maranda showed up on their bikes (about an hour later), Nana, yes Nana, had put one of the cousins in "time out" for yelling the phrase, "what the hell!?!" which she happened to catch.  Another nephew nouthed off to poor Nana when she informed him he could not, should not, would not be jumping off the top of the shed onto the trampoline.  Said nephew has taught all of the other nephews how to shimmy onto the roof of the shed and jump unto the trampoline.  There's a broken leg, arm, or other something or another in the near future, I'm sure of it.  Nana suggested the boys move a wood pile, Maranda and Jake got on the project, and for a blessed moment or two the slave labor kept them from getting into trouble.  But it was only one moment ...

Nana was "frazzled" to say the least.  Again, poor Nana.  We managed to eat dinner.  Dinner's when we all gather go something like this ... one sister says, "well, should we fix the kids plates first?"  The next sister says, "yeah, that will be easier than trying to feed everyone at the same time."  The next sister (there are three of us) says, "okay, it's burgers, ask them what they want on them and we can just make them and send the kids outside."  Next sister, sister not thinking straight, says, "well, let's just let them fix their own buns."  Two other sisters in tandom, "are you nuts?!?!"  Plates are finally fixed, some of them doing their own buns, some of them not, all of them complaining there was no cheese (we're talking MAJOR crisis with the no cheese situation).  And like all gatherings, when they are done eating, the adults eat, and we send them away.

Crash, yell, thump, cry.  These are the sounds that come from Nana's basement.  Occasionally, a few of them will come screaming like banshees through the house, passing all of us sitting in the front room/dining room on their way, as they slam the door from the front to the back to the basement of the house.  Nana, poor Nana, I'm pretty sure she wonders where God went wrong sending all grandsons and silently thanks the maker there is a girl on the way.

We usually say nothing ... unless there's blood ... which inevitably there usually is. Dessert.  One sister says, "should we just eat it first and then tell the kids?"  Second sister, "hell yes!" (that would be me)  Third sister, "but we have to sing happy birthday."  Crap.  I was voted to go to the basement and tell the kids it was birthday time ... and to my surprise (yeah right) not one, not two, not even three or four of the cushions were off of Nana's giant sectional ... every damned one of them was piled in the center of the room.  Not in a fort, not in something that was actually resembling some sort of smarts on their part, just a pile.  Toys ... everywhere.  Their faces when they saw me ... deer in the headlights.  I maintained my cool and said, "cushions, on the couch, now ... Eldridge boys, this is NOT okay at home why in the hell would you think it was okay here?!"  Reaction?  All of the boys stared at me like I was speaking a foreign language.  WTF?!  I had to repeat myself 5 times before they started to make a move.  Boys, as I have said many, many times before, are idiots.

Poor, poor, poor Nana.  She looked exhausted, frazzled, and a little bit on the might need pharmeceutical interventions to maintain sanity by the time all of us left.  Everyone is coming to my house this weekend, Sunday, for a little holiday BBQ.  I think I might have the boys pull weeds in the giant flower bed.  We've had alot of rain as of late, the weeds are getting a tad out of control despite my best efforts ... and I think I can slave labor all of them for at least and hour or two.  No worries, I will throw capri suns at their heads every 30 minutes or so to prevent dehydration... because I'm just that sort of awesome Aunt.

Yoga, Pilates, and clueless instructors ...

Today I took the plunge into the new age Yoga/Pilates hyper popular new age excercise phenomenon.  No more plunging. I have some gripes, not really about the class, except for it was boring as hell and I don't reccommend anyone else taking the Yoga/Pillates plunge unless they want to get no cardio workout anc contort their bodies into unatural positions.
In a nutshell, here's my personal situation.  I started taking aerobics years ago when we lived in Las Vegas.  Maranda (my sister) taught the class, and she was a really good teacher.  She always made everyone feel welcome and there were days all of us in the class were laughing so hard we had to take a brief cardio pause moment.  I liked her classes so much I decided to get myself certified and become an instructor.  That and the fact that when you are teaching you tend to work out a tad harder than if you are in the class ... after all, you are the instructor and supposed to know and be all without breaking a sweat.  = ) 

I taught for a few years, and I loved it.  I loved my classes ... and my classes (not to sound self righteous here) loved me.  At one point, I was teaching 6 days a week at three different gyms 8 different classes.  Yes, I was a hard instructor (my classes were considered to be the "advanced" classes), yes I yelled, and yes I pushed them far past limits they ever dreamed possible ... but most importantly, I made sure they all felt welcome.  There was a team mentality in all of my classes.  Everyone pushed each other silently or in open.  The term, "okay, just one more set" was met with groans of pain, but also an occasional, "come on, we can do this" from another class member.  When a new person entered my class, I immediately introduced myself, and before class started I made sure everyone knew we had a new member of the class and introduced the names of each class member.

To this day, I have never (with the exception of Maranda) met an instructor that does this.  I have never met an instructor that introduces themselves or the rest of the class. I have never met an instructor that greets you with a warm smile.  I have never met an instructor that can see past her size 2 ass to understand the world does not revolve around her or her abilities to "teach aerobics".  People come to classes to get in shape ... and in doing so better themselves, their health, and their overall look on life.  They certainly don't come to classes to feel like the don't belong, have no support, and generally completely uncomfortable.

Teaching aerobics, yoga, pilates, spin, water aerobics, whatever is NOT rocket science.  It takes a certification class.  You do not have to be a size 2, you can be a size 8 or even a 14 and possibly a 16 or 18 and kick some butt as needed (which is a particular favorite of mine when the size 2's walk in and say to my size 10 behind, "uh, your the instructor" and sneer ... then you kick their butt so hard in class they are heaving and threatening to puke ... best days of my life .. sick I know). 

I had a stroke when I was pregnant with my third child.  I was still teaching aerobics 6 days a week.  When I was 4 months pregnant, out of nowhere, I had a stroke.  I was young, healthy, and it was bizarre to everyone. mostly my doctors. But at the end of the day, the baby and me were fine ... except for when I tried to start teaching again at 6 weeks postpartum.  My brain communication center was affected by the stroke and I didn't realize how badly until I started to teach my first class.  I would "call out" the move, "kick left" and my right foot would kick, "step right" and my left foot would step.  My classes had been with me for a few years so it was just a funny haha that it had been a while and I needed to get back into teaching ... at first.  But I realized after a few months this was a permanent situation that I wasn't sure would ever heal so I had to stop teaching.

I had a stroke again, one year later, interestingly enough right after taking an aerobics class.  I felt wierd, and a few minutes later, I was on an ambulance.  The stroke was minor, but the communication center in my brain shows permanent damage.  I can talk, obviously, I can write, obviously, but teaching aerobics again ... I don't know if time will heal the communication scarring on my brain or not.  So, I have feared the gym.  I have feared taking classes.  I got pregnant with #4 (a totally different story ... the holy crap baby for sure) and was told to do nothing the whole pregnancy because of the high risk nature of it all.

Today, for the first time, I went back to the gym.  It's been three years, and admittedly the instructor doesn't know my history, the instructor doesn't know I'm certified, and the instructor doesn't know that me not being able to teach just about kills me.  I hate taking other people's classes ... but what I hate more is feeling like I don't belong and am not welcome.  So, instructors, get of your freaking size 2 high horses and get a personality that warrants people wanting to better themselves, wanting to take the "plunge" as it were to being healthy and strong and wanting to care about and get to know other people in the class.  Trust me, you'll have bigger classes.  Mine were FULL when I taught!  And to my sister Maranda ... thank you for teaching me from the beginning that being an instructor meant caring about the people in your classes ... not just caring about your supposed high status of being the instructor. 

If you're wondering ... I did join the gym ... Gold's Gym.  I need a gym because convincing myself I will work out at home, certified or not, I KNOW isn't going to happen with 4 kids (I love gym daycare).  It's a tad bit of a meat market ... but it has classes ... which I am now determined to make friends in despite the buttholio (my word) instructors who ignore everyone and make them uncomfortable.  Honestly, again, a monkey could teach aerobics ... they just have to know how to count to 8 ... which I guess for some instructor's might be difficult ... but let's not go down that road.  I'm on a roll right now.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bennett Jon Eldridge
Born: February 4, 2011
Hours of labor: 22+ (yeah right the 4th baby's labor is shorter ... lies, all lies)
Head Circumfrence: World Record Standing
Eyes: Blue
Hair: squirelly curly with two hairs sticking up andsmall patches of ill resigned cradle cap
Feeding Patterns: 30 second lapse on feed time bottle to mouth,
or someone's losing a limb
Napping patterns: 2 a day, at his leisure, sleeps through the night,
at his parents leisure
Accomodations:  A far to small bassinette his legs almost hang out of,
but his parents are in denial he's growing
Favorite Saying: mamammamamamma, grunt, snort, grunt (pre bottle feeding)
Worst Fear: his three year-old brother crushing him in an ill placed
"love hug/mauling incident"
Goals: Rolling over, stop spitting up, eventual crawling and
from there the sky's the limit

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

UTAH ... there isn't enough blog space in cyberspace

It's not just Utah.  I started blogging when we moved to New Hampshire some 6 or so years ago.  I began many of my posts with the phrase, "oh you silly yankees" and I spent alot of time documenting their "silly yankee" antics.  Things like spectacular white trash landscaping involving old sattelite television dishses reutilized as planters for flowers, weeds, and errant egg shells.  Beauty.  Other landscaping wonders, plastic flowers inserted in and around the yards of people as either singles or bunches.  Sure, there was a foot of snow on the grownd, and my initial spotting was amazement at the dedication of these hearty new england bulbs ... until closer magnification revealed the dollar store tag hanging off the "bunch o tulips".

Yankee dialect left me plenty of room for learing in public.  The first time I heard someone utter the phrase, "wicked" I stood back, stared, and thought, "well then, I guess this word is just like smurf.  Things can be wicked cool, or insert smurfy cool, things can be wicked, things can be smurfy."  If I was to acclimate into my new locale and appear hidden amongst the wooded camo I would learn to utter the phrase "wicked" ... often.

The letter "r".  There is no real use for it in New England.  You can most certainly, "pahk the caw in the yad" with no problem.  In Colorado, the phrase, "no worries" (indicative of their no worries the mj will or will not give you a contact or direct high later in the day) mentality.  The mentality that really didn't have worries.  Loved it, miss it, I digress.  In my years of marriage 17 to be exact, yes, I''m that old, I've learned local dialects rather well.  Hell, I've mastered completel other languages to at least a casual conversation level.  But still, american dialect has it in spades.

But now I am back to the land of my youth ... back to the land of frig and fetch, ward and stake, frozen yogurt date nights, heck not hell, darn not damn, shoot not shit, wards (not psych wards) and stakes (not the kind you eat), state owned liquor stores opened between the hours of 1:00-1:05 p.m. every other third tuesday when the moon is full.  No worries, walmart sells watered down beer and wine coolers for the underaged teenager looking for a cheap high and moment of naughty disregard away from the stringent daily rigors.  After all, BYU applications can be stressfull.

I have met a couple of neighbors.  We, like every other person on the planet, live in "trak" housing (see, every 5th house the same floorplan wiht some having better upgrades than others).  It keeps the keeping up with the jone's mentality limited to "add on's" like fixtures, granite, and stainless steel.  I digress, the neighbors seem nice. The day we moved in we had aquired about 4 people to help us move in ... before I could blink this possey of men start showing up.  First one, then two, then up to 4, it was like ants coming out of an anthill.  I am NOT complaining.  They didn't know us from Adam and there they were, lifting, straining, and breaking things like every other middle ager there.  It was incredibly nice ... but ... now you know there was a but in there.

As I stood outside or around the house telling people where to take boxes, etc. a few of the local females had apparently gotten onto my smell and they came over to check out the new one.  It wasn't ... well ... okay, I have this theory that has come with age and perhaps to much cynicism, but the theory holds strong.  I know I'll like you the first time I meet you.  It's this wierd thing with me.  I just know.  It's not that, "you don't get a second chance with me" sort of mentality, it's not even a mean or elitist mentality, I just know.  In that knowing, and with years, I have cut out the middle man.  If I know I'm not going to have a love connection with you, I don't force the issue.  According to my sister, who was standing next to me, I was "aloof".  I guess that's a good word for how I acted.  I probab;y was.  Life is to short to waste time.  I have 5000 kids for heaven's sake, my friendships need to be bottom line get to the punch line sort of relationships without all the nonsense in between. Should we really dig back into our pack of tricks from high school to see if we can be friends when there is no obvious connection?  No.

I tell my sisters and mom the only way I can explain it is that I need "mean girls" for friends.  Mean girls are not mean, we don't dress the same, and we certainly don't have clicks. Anyone can be a mean girl, and hang with mean girls, you just have to have a let's get to the point sort of mentality.  Mean girls just aren't fake girls.  If your acting like an ass a mean girl friend will tell you.  She won't tell 14 of your friends so everyone else can watch you act like an ass, she'll nip it in the bud at the source.  Mean girl friends know who they are, what they want, and don't apologize unless they are really in the wrong.  There isn't any cow towing down to apologies jsut to calm the waters.  They will traumatize the neighborhood children if they act like idiots, they will tell mother's who think their kids aren't mean little shisters that indeed their kids are shisters and not worry that said mom will tell another mom and so on.  Her mean girl possy will back her up if needed.  They are a little wierd about their houses and want them clean.  Clutter is okay with mean girls, but crapola nastiness, out of the club.  Mean girls are smart, sassy, and really, not mean at all, it's just the only way I could make my mom and sisters understand.  BUT, the best part about mean girls ... because they are so fantastic and honest ... they are the best.  They will give you their left arm if you asked, they are at your door step with chocolate whether you asked for it or not, and you both know that their kids are yours and vice versa and you love and lay the whoop down equally.  Mean girls are the best friends to have.

The girls I've met here ... uh ... not mean girls.  Shy, quiet, one named Camille, the other Cammy. Two choices.  Recruit them into mean girl philosophies and show them the light, or look further down the block.  There are a TON of kids in this neighborhood. I've been scoping for a friend for Caden.  I almost dragged him out the front doorthe other day when I saw some chick walk by with a kid in tow that looked his age. I pulled it together and looked carefully through the window to check her out ... crap, for sure, not a mean girl.  Next time.  I think she has mean girl potential.  Just have to get her to drop the "oh my gosh" from her vocabulary.

So much more to write, so little time (as in Bennett needs his chow, Bradyn and Drew need to start the bidding as to when they are going to sleep, and Caden is throwing all of his toys everywhere to stall on the whole going to bed thing). So, for now, adieu.  And please, despite my cynicism, I don't hate Utah and I don't want to offend every person in the state (maybe I already have, but that's because you obviously aren't mean).  I just need time to get my feet wet again back into the culture that is Utah ... trust me.... leave the state line.  Utah, you are wierd. A spade has to be called a spade.


TO the right you will notice our old blogger page address:
If you would like to click on that website to reminisce, see the old times. the old photos, etc. feel free. I know now that blogger has taken it upon themseves to block me from my own account (sure, they are sending the password to my old non existent address, that was thoughty of them) forevermore.  I have given up, and like the phoenx rise from these ashes of bloggerdom.

The new blog.  Same content, samy tirades and occasional looks at life that in which I find simply "wrong" and I have to share with cyberspace to see if I am indeed wrong.  More importantly, I can't deny the timing if being blogged out.  After 17 years of saying "no, no, no. please no." Jon gets a wild hair up his butt and here we are the land I have said, "no. no. no." to for at least 17 years.  Back to Utah, back to the motherland, the homeship, the other assorted terminologies people have offered to welcome me back across state lines.
It is not only that I now live in Utah, I live in Utah County.  Get out your dictionary: Utah County - see polygamist, polyglit, and a prozac using population rivaling small psych wards.  Not to be worried, it is not a single relgion that has set these wheels turning as so many outsiders may assume, it is the culture that has seductively intertwined itself within such religion making that which is wierd suddenly appear normal. 

It reminds me of the times post marraige when I would occasionally come home to visit in the summer times and my mom and sister would start in on "when are we having the goonies party?!"  The WHAT?  Apparently, there is some goonies movie mom puts up on a sheet over the back patio throuigh the projector and neighborhood kids/family all eat popcorn and watch this movie.  To them,, this even has been occuring since I was in utero.  Considering I am the oldest, and I am fairly certain the strongest drug I ever took throughout childhood was 800mg motrin, than my brain can't be THAT cloudy.  I always get a glare with a "it happens ever year Cort, don't act like you don't remember."  It's a little twilight zone, admittedly, as much as I love my family.Use the analogy as you will, goonies/religion, annual parties/culture.  Goonies in and of itself is a great movie, not hating on the goonies.

More on the house and town next blog ... this could be a daily even and considering I have been locked out a few days I've had alot festering on my mind.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Below you will find the copy of an e-mail I received approximately 10 times in the last one and one-half weeks.  Yes, it's from google, and yes, Abu and his friends in their great wisdom took it upon themselves to lock me forevermore out of my "Cat Makes 5" blog account.  Both myself and now you have the following choices: A) follow my old blog (  for days of blessed rememberance B) come check out the new blog.  In the meantime, I will continue to fill out this information again, and again, and again, and pray for the day the planets align and my blog may sucessfully belong to me again.  This day may be one in which we are all very cold in a very warm place, so let's not hold our breath, say adieu to the old, and hello to the new.  AND, I live in Utah now so let's face it ... the material here for blogging ... far more than I could have ever imagined possible and might be deserving of a whole new blog page of it's own?  Might even be daily blogging in store ... I live in Utah County, do the math!  Thanks for the time - Cort
p.s.  Google - suck it! 
p.p.s.  It will take me no less than a month to figure out how to respost pictures and or make a nice looking page.  Please ignore the wrapping, the gift is inside.  Again, Google, suck it.


Thank you for filling out the account recovery form. We know losing access to your account can be a frustrating experience and we want to help.

At Google, we take your privacy and security seriously. We're committed to returning accounts only when we're sure we're giving them back to the accounts' owners. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we were unable to verify that you own this account. To ensure that we are not compromising the security of the data, we can't return the account at this time.

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