Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Teenage boys ...

I love my 14 year-old, Drew.  He's entertaining.  He see's the world through a lens of the immaturity of a 14 year-old boy sprinkled with adult sarcasm.  The two worlds don't always successfully merge, but when they do it's comedic magic.  Drew has one- liners he occasionally drops that are vastly innapropriate.  He lacks the finesse of adult maturity to drop these little bombs, but he's insistent they make total sense.  I have to bite the insides of my cheeks, often, to try and not fall into hysterical laughter.  The
"mom" in me will kick in thinking, "teach him he is totally inappropriate" while simultaneously being completely entertained by his humor.

Really? Gross.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

You Go Girl ...

Photo: "She got caught up in a net sometime ago....with deep cuts all over her body she made it to the hotel . Some people at the hotel nursed her back to health for 3 months. Everyday she returns to rest after being out to sea. She is now pregnant and expecting within a month. Her name is Panchita...
"She got caught up in a net sometime ago....with deep cuts all over her body she made it to the hotel . Some people at the hotel nursed her back to health for 3 months. Everyday she returns to rest after being out to sea. She is now pregnant and expecting within a month. Her name is Panchita..."
You go Panchita, you go girl.